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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Laundry Room

I can't wait until someone orders this, it's so fun!
And who ever said Laundry rooms had to be boring and cluttered? make them nice like any other room in your home!

More Designing

Some More Projects

I had to wait until after Christmas to post these because they were gifts. I provided the vinyl for this project but my client here was the artist. 
They turned out beautiful JH...

Changing Gears

90% of my business is some kind of Vinyl craft. But I do have other talents. By all means I am no seamstress, but I do really enjoy making these baby blanket with matching burp rags. I usually end up giving them away to my friends for gifts, but I try to keep some in stock.
I got out the fabric again so I'll be hopefully getting some made and available for sale. 

This blanket isn't quite finished. I'll post again when it is. I hope my customer for this order loves it as much as I do.